This link takes you to our LCA online donation site, where you can pay securely via credit card.
Supporting the ADCC
Please pray that Deaf people may ‘hear’ the gospel and come to faith in Jesus Christ. Pray that God may continue to equip his church for this challenging ministry.
If you know Deaf people, please encourage them to make contact with the ADCC. Deafness can be isolating, but because of the internet, we are able to reach out and encourage Deaf Christians wherever they are.
If you are a Christian with Auslan skills, please contact us. There are currently few Christian resources for the Deaf in their native language, but with your help, we can change that!
Support us financially
Please consider making a donation to the Deaf ministry. This can be done online here.
For direct bank transfers please use the following details:
BSB 704 942
Account No 153799S19 (if transferring from an LLL account)
or 1009 69623 (from an external bank)
For alternative payment methods or to set up a regular contribution, please contact the LCA South Australia – Northern Territory District Office on 08 8267 5211.