Join us
You are welcome to join us at any of our community groups. Find out more information below or on our calendar.

Women's fellowship
Women meeting as a group provides an opportunity for Christian fellowship, care and support of each other. Women of the congregation meet on the first Wednesday of each month (except January) at 9.30am for fellowship, prayer, Bible study, luncheons, to hear a speaker, or go on an outing together. Women in the neighbouring community are always welcome to attend. This group extends its availability, skills and talents in support of many in need, including volunteering at the Lutheran Community Care Op Shop in Payneham. They support the mission projects of Lutheran Women of SA/Australia and many other organisations.

Floral art
This creative group is reflective of ministry with a diverse membership from across the community. The Floral Art Group has been operating for more than 30 years. They meet in our church hall at 7.30pm on the first Monday of each month to share their knowledge and skills or work with an invited guest demonstrator experienced in floral art. This is a hands-on group. This group provides support for and financial benefits to obtain and build on existing resources for floral arrangements in the church. Development of talent extends to the Visual Arts Team, who have a specialised role in providing display work for the varied special services and events within the church.

Know Your Bible (KYB)
KYB studies are designed to help men and women know God’s word and its message for today and grow as followers of Jesus through personal study and group sharing. Four KYB study books are produced each year. We begin each new series at the start of each school term. The studies have daily Bible readings with questions to answer. Group discussion is encouraged as together we grow in our understanding of God’s word. For more information, please use this link.